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Tag: damaged shingles

DIY Roof Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, protecting it from the elements day in and day out.

Regular maintenance can extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs down the road. For serious roof repairs, a professional roofing contractor should be called in, as the work requires expertise and can be dangerous for a weekend DIYer. However, there are some essential roof maintenance tips that homeowners can do safely on their own to prevent damage and decay.

Make Inspections a Habit
Create a regular monthly or seasonal habit of visually inspecting your roof. You can time it with Easter, July 4th, Halloween and Christmas to make it easy to remember. Look for signs of damage such as missing or damaged shingles, cracked caulking, or rust spots on metal roofs. While we do not recommend tackling those repairs yourself, the earlier you identify them and get a professional involved, the less damage (and cost) you will incur.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts
Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water damage and roof leaks. Clear them of debris like leaves and branches to ensure proper drainage. This is especially important as fall winds down and again in the spring before summer storms begin. If you feel comfortable, you can use a ladder and gloves to remove the buildup manually, but always have someone nearby to steady the ladder and assist as needed. You may also want to invest in gutter guards for easier maintenance.

Trim Overhanging Branches
Overhanging branches from nearby trees on your property can scratch and damage your roof during windy conditions. Trim back any branches that come into contact with your roof to prevent this from happening. It will also reduce the risk of fallen branches causing severe damage during storms. If the branches or trees are very large, you don’t have the required tools or simply don’t feel comfortable tackling this yourself, call in a professional tree service, who can take care of it quickly and safely.

Check for Signs of Water Damage
Water stains on your ceiling or walls are clear indicators of a roof leak. If you notice any signs of water damage inside your home, inspect your roof immediately to identify the source of the leak. This can be done safely by inspecting your roof from your attic. Look for damp spots and moisture on the underside of the roof deck and even eroded insulation. Addressing leaks promptly can prevent mold growth and structural damage.

Repair Flashing
Flashing is the thin metal strips installed around roof penetrations such as chimneys, vents, and skylights to prevent water infiltration. Inspect the flashing for signs of damage or deterioration and repair or replace it as needed. Properly sealed flashing is essential for maintaining a watertight roof, and flashing damage is often the cause of a leak, rather than the roofing materials.

Andrews Roofing Can Help
Regular roof maintenance is essential for preserving the integrity of your home and avoiding costly repairs. By following these DIY roof maintenance tips, you can prolong the lifespan of your roof and ensure it continues to protect your home for years to come. Remember, safety should always be your top priority when working on your roof, so always take the necessary precautions and if a task ever feels like more than you can handle, contact Andrews Roofing. We handle all sizes of roof repairs as well as replacements. Our estimators can come out to your house and discuss the best approach to prolonging the life of your home’s roof.

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Don’t Blame the Roof: Why Your Chimney May be the Cause of a Leak

Roof leaks are a homeowner’s nightmare, leading to potential damage, mold growth, and costly repairs. 

While many people associate roof leaks with damaged shingles or flashing, one often overlooked culprit is the chimney. Chimneys can be a source of significant water damage if not properly maintained. But how do you know whether your leak is coming from your roof or your chimney?

How Your Chimney Can Cause a Roof Leak:

  • Cracked or deteriorated chimney crown: The chimney crown is the concrete or cement layer at the top of the chimney. Over time, exposure to harsh weather conditions can cause it to crack or deteriorate, allowing water to seep into the masonry and eventually into the roof.
  • Damaged or missing chimney flashing: Flashing is the metal strip that seals the intersection between the chimney and the roof. If the flashing becomes damaged, improperly installed, or starts to deteriorate, it can create a pathway for water to enter the roof system.
  • Crumbling mortar joints: The mortar that holds the bricks or stones of the chimney together can deteriorate over time due to weathering. As the mortar crumbles, gaps and openings can form, permitting water infiltration into the roof.

How to Detect a Chimney-Related Roof Leak:

  • Internal signs: Look for water stains, peeling paint, or discoloration on ceilings or walls near the chimney. These are often indicators of a leak. Mold growth or musty odors may also be present.
  • Exterior signs: Inspect the chimney for cracks, crumbling masonry, or missing flashing. Pay attention to any signs of water pooling on the roof or around the chimney after a heavy rainfall.
  • Attic inspection: Check your attic for signs of water damage, such as damp insulation, water stains, or rotting wood near the chimney.

Taking Steps to Repair the Damage:

  • Consult a professional: If you suspect your chimney is causing a roof leak, it is crucial to contact a qualified roofing professional and/or chimney specialist. Depending on the damage you may need both specialists to come in and do repairs – especially if a chimney leak has caused damage to nearby areas of your roof.
  • Chimney crown repair: If the chimney crown is cracked or deteriorated, it should be repaired or replaced. A chimney professional can apply a waterproof sealant or construct a new crown to prevent water penetration.
  • Flashing replacement: Damaged or missing flashing should be replaced with new, properly installed flashing. This will ensure a secure seal between the chimney and the roof. A qualified roofing contractor can do this repair and in some cases a chimney repair company can as well.
  • Mortar joint repair: If the mortar joints are deteriorating, a process called tuckpointing can be performed. This involves removing the damaged mortar and replacing it with new mortar to restore the chimney’s integrity. This should only be done by an experienced chimney and masonry expert.
  • Regular maintenance: To prevent future leaks, schedule regular chimney inspections and maintenance. Keep the chimney free of debris, ensure proper ventilation, and consider applying a waterproofing sealant to protect against moisture.

While chimneys provide warmth and charm to our homes, they can also become a pesky source of roof leaks if neglected. Just like other functional and structural aspects of your home, pay attention to your chimney and visually inspect it regularly. If you think it may be causing any leaks or issues, contact a professional as soon as possible before further damage is done. By addressing chimney-related issues promptly, you can protect your home and preserve its structural integrity for years to come.

Andrews Roofing has been providing homeowners in Hampton Roads with sound roofing repair advice and services for over 25 years. If you’re not sure if your leak is coming from roof or chimney damage, contact us today. Our experts can provide an on-site inspection to help identify the issues and make a plan for repairs – whether we do them ourselves or refer you to a local chimney specialist.

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How to Know When Your Roof Needs a Checkup

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care, but that doesn’t just apply to your physical health. The same could be said for anything you maintain, including your house and its major systems such as your roof. While there’s no getting around the fact that a roof will eventually need to be replaced, there are many things that can happen over the course of a roof’s lifespan that should be serviced, repaired and maintained. This is especially true in areas prone to severe weather such as the Hampton Roads region.

But how do you know when you should call in a professional roofing contractor? Here are a few things to keep an eye out for to help extend the lifespan of your roof.

Curling, cracking or buckling shingles are a tell-tale sign that your roof needs some attention. You may also notice asphalt granules in your gutters, which have deteriorated from damaged shingles. This doesn’t mean you need an entirely new roofing system! While this type of roof symptom can sometimes be a sign that a roof has reached the end of its serviceable life, it can also be an isolated incident that simply needs to be repaired or patched.

While it may not necessitate a total replacement, shingles that are damaged or worn should be a high priority on your home to-do list. Just a few curling shingles can allow water to penetrate your roof causing leaks, mildew and other interior damage.

Speaking of interior damage, dark spots on your ceiling or walls also signal that it’s time to have a roofing professional come out and inspect. Even if you don’t see a hole or missing or damaged shingles from the outside, the leak may still be the result of a failure in your roofing system such as loose or missing flashing, backed up gutters or damage that simply isn’t visible from the ground.

Dark spots indicate that moisture has penetrated your roof, the sheathing, decking, and potentially attic flooring. These are serious signs that should be attended to as soon as possible by a professional to ensure additional damage does not occur and that harmful mold and mildew do not start to grow.

Moisture in your attic may also be a sign of problems with your roof as well as your insulation. If you find that the insulation, wood, flooring, ductwork or other items in your attic seem damp, it may be caused by a lack of proper ventilation and/or unsatisfactory insulation. But these issues, over time, can also affect the health of your roof by causing water damage to decking from the underside. An ideal attic temperature is close to that of the temperature outside. This prevents condensation, which is often the cause of interior moisture damage. A licensed professional contractor will need to address these issues if you find them.

Of course, sometimes all of these things indicate that a roof has simply reached the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced. Most modern asphalt shingle roofs have a lifespan of 20-30 years. In the cities of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake and across the Tidewater region, many homes and large neighborhoods were constructed in the 1990’s, making them the age now to need total replacement.

A qualified roofing company can provide you with a roofing checkup to help you determine whether a repair or total roof replacement makes the most sense for your home and budget. At Andrews Roofing, we provide professional evaluations, customized quotes and affordable financing options as well. Whether you think your roof needs an ounce of prevention or a pound of care, we can help. Contact Andrews Roofing today.

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Prepping for Common Hurricane Roof Damage

Here in southeast Virginia we are solidly inside of hurricane season, and while we have been lucky not to be hit with a direct storm recently, the impact of some kind of tropical system is inevitable.

As most of us know all too well, with storms comes storm damage. Thanks to Hampton Roads’ proximity to the coast, we often feel storm surge and hurricane force winds the worst. There are things you can do to be personally prepared for a storm, as well as things you can do to help secure and protect your home, including your roof. But there are also things that you simply can’t protect your home against, and instead need to be rigorous about post-storm inspection of your property to identify any damage as soon as possible. Let’s talk about how you can play both defense and offense to protect your home from long-term storm damage.

Pre-Storm Preparation
While you can’t control or prevent all possible damage, there are things you can do to prepare your roof for a storm. Here’s a quick checklist you can use to offensively protect your roof from the next hurricane or tropical storm.

  • Check for any loose flashing. If any flashing is loose or missing, repair it before a storm comes to avoid any water damage and possible leaks. Loose flashing can also become a hazard if blown off your home during wind gusts.
  • Check your gutters. Clean gutters will keep water away from your roof when those torrential rains start. You should also check to ensure gutters are well secured to avoid them becoming projectiles during strong winds.
  • Repair and replace missing shingles. It may seem counterintuitive to replace missing shingles or repair damaged ones before a storm, but the reality is that one missing shingle makes the rest of the shingles around it vulnerable to winds. If one or more shingles are missing or damaged in such a way that they are more likely to blow off, then the rest of your roof is at risk. Replacing a few shingles now can prevent the need for dozens of replacements after the storm.
  • Inspect your roof from the inside. Take some time to inspect your roof from inside your attic, paying careful attention to where any rooflines join up, looking especially for any wet or dark spots that may indicate an existing leak. If there is an existing leak, even one that has not been problematic before, it will only get worse during a storm, and could cause major interior damage. Repair a small leak now before it becomes a major leak in the middle of a “shelter in place.”

Post-Storm Inspection
After a storm, doing an inspection of your property will help you identify issues quicker, making it easier to fix them before they become a major problem as well as being able to file for any necessary homeowners insurance claims. Here’s a quick post-storm roof inspection list of things to look for:

  • Missing shingles
  • Loose or clogged gutters
  • Loose or missing flashing
  • Debris that may still be on the roof
  • Visible leaks or holes from inside your attic
  • Damaged or warped shingles
  • Dents in metal roofing
  • Broken slate tiles

What to do if there is damage
If you find any of these items during your inspection, contact a roofing company right away. If possible, get familiar with roofing companies in your area before a storm rolls through so you know who to call if needed. Do research online and read client reviews, websites and get neighbors’ opinions. Only call companies that are licensed and insured and have a good reputation in the community.

Getting a professional opinion and estimate will be critical when filing any necessary homeowners insurance claims. Remember that after a major storm, roofing companies will be swamped with calls, so getting in touch early is the best way to get your issues taken care of as quickly as possible. Do not attempt to fix these issues yourself as roof repair work is potentially dangerous, not to mention any repairs you make yourself may not be covered by your insurance and may void warranties on your roofing materials.

Andrews Roofing Can Help
Whether it’s before a storm or after, if you have concerns about your roof, please contact Andrews Roofing. We’ve worked in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton for decades and we have an excellent reputation in the Hampton Roads community for quality workmanship and customer service. We understand the unique roofing issues that homeowners encounter in the Tidewater region, and we can help you make the best decision for your home.

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Where is That Roof Leak Coming From?

If your roof is not well-maintained, there is a whole list of issues that could occur, including structural damage and unhealthy mold growth. If you have noticed water stains or actual water coming from the ceiling, you might have a leak. Immediately repairing leaks is essential to keeping your roof in the best condition, but how do you know where the leak is coming from? The following are some common problem areas you can check to find your residential roof leak.

Shingles and Other Materials

The actual shingles or other roofing materials on your roof could have damage that is allowing moisture into your home. Damaged shingles will be buckled, corroded, cracked, or missing all together. You could also look for granules on the ground surrounding your home or nails that are missing or backing out. If you have trees that hang over the roof, be sure to check those areas, as a swaying branch could easily wear out your roofing.


The point of flashing is to guide water in another direction when it wants to seep down into a seam on the roof. Flashing is located around chimneys, vents, and other areas where there’s an intersection or an angle in the roof. When flashing is not properly installed or sealed, water will begin to flow underneath and damage your home. Look for loose flashing, ripped pieces, or missing areas.

Skylights and Chimneys

The more extra features you have on your roof, the more chances water has to get in. Skylights and chimneys can be both functional and aesthetically appealing, but without proper installation, it’s easy for water to penetrate the roofing materials surrounding them. You should have a professional look at the seams and the installation to make sure it is all sealed correctly.

Hiring the Professionals

If you’re worried about a leaky residential roof, it’s important you contact the professionals for an inspection. Contact Andrews Roofing today by calling 757-296-0553 or sending us an email to learn more.

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5 Factors That Affect the Lifespan of Your Commercial Roof

While the life expectancy of a commercial roof is anywhere from 10 to 40 years, there are several factors that can affect how long it lasts. Pay attention to these five factors to extend your roof’s lifespan and save money by avoiding unnecessary repairs or having to replace your roof prematurely.


When having your roof installed, make sure to choose a reputable company that is licensed and experienced in installing commercial roofs. An improperly installed roof can cause a large variety of problems including sagging and leaking.

Roofing System

The quality and types of materials used to build your roof will have a direct effect on how long it will last. While TPO or EPDM roof systems have a life expectancy of 22 to 35 years, an asphalt or metal roof can last up to 45.


While you certainly can’t control the weather, extreme weather conditions like rain, wind, and snow can take a toll on your roof. Even extremely sunny weather all year long can be problematic. Take the proper precautions to prepare for storms and inspect your roof whenever harsh weather hits.


All roofs are subject to wear and tear and will need to be properly maintained to last as long as possible. Perform routine inspections on your roof and quickly address any leaks you find. Replace damaged or missing shingles immediately and clean off any debris or algae growth.

Proper Ventilation

Excessive heat can cause damage your roof and quickly cut years off its life. Ensure that your roof and building is properly ventilated and insulated to help keep your roof cool. Not to mention, a well-insulated building will keep the interior nice and comfortable and help lower utility bills.

Inspecting your roof to make sure it is in the best condition is worth the time and money you will save down the road. Choose Andrews Roofing to install your roof and make any repairs you might need. Call us today at 757-296-0553!


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