Leaks & Service Repairs

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Reroof Estimates & Inspections

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Tag: Leaking roof

DIY Roof Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, protecting it from the elements day in and day out.

Regular maintenance can extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs down the road. For serious roof repairs, a professional roofing contractor should be called in, as the work requires expertise and can be dangerous for a weekend DIYer. However, there are some essential roof maintenance tips that homeowners can do safely on their own to prevent damage and decay.

Make Inspections a Habit
Create a regular monthly or seasonal habit of visually inspecting your roof. You can time it with Easter, July 4th, Halloween and Christmas to make it easy to remember. Look for signs of damage such as missing or damaged shingles, cracked caulking, or rust spots on metal roofs. While we do not recommend tackling those repairs yourself, the earlier you identify them and get a professional involved, the less damage (and cost) you will incur.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts
Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water damage and roof leaks. Clear them of debris like leaves and branches to ensure proper drainage. This is especially important as fall winds down and again in the spring before summer storms begin. If you feel comfortable, you can use a ladder and gloves to remove the buildup manually, but always have someone nearby to steady the ladder and assist as needed. You may also want to invest in gutter guards for easier maintenance.

Trim Overhanging Branches
Overhanging branches from nearby trees on your property can scratch and damage your roof during windy conditions. Trim back any branches that come into contact with your roof to prevent this from happening. It will also reduce the risk of fallen branches causing severe damage during storms. If the branches or trees are very large, you don’t have the required tools or simply don’t feel comfortable tackling this yourself, call in a professional tree service, who can take care of it quickly and safely.

Check for Signs of Water Damage
Water stains on your ceiling or walls are clear indicators of a roof leak. If you notice any signs of water damage inside your home, inspect your roof immediately to identify the source of the leak. This can be done safely by inspecting your roof from your attic. Look for damp spots and moisture on the underside of the roof deck and even eroded insulation. Addressing leaks promptly can prevent mold growth and structural damage.

Repair Flashing
Flashing is the thin metal strips installed around roof penetrations such as chimneys, vents, and skylights to prevent water infiltration. Inspect the flashing for signs of damage or deterioration and repair or replace it as needed. Properly sealed flashing is essential for maintaining a watertight roof, and flashing damage is often the cause of a leak, rather than the roofing materials.

Andrews Roofing Can Help
Regular roof maintenance is essential for preserving the integrity of your home and avoiding costly repairs. By following these DIY roof maintenance tips, you can prolong the lifespan of your roof and ensure it continues to protect your home for years to come. Remember, safety should always be your top priority when working on your roof, so always take the necessary precautions and if a task ever feels like more than you can handle, contact Andrews Roofing. We handle all sizes of roof repairs as well as replacements. Our estimators can come out to your house and discuss the best approach to prolonging the life of your home’s roof.

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Where is That Roof Leak Coming From?

If your roof is not well-maintained, there is a whole list of issues that could occur, including structural damage and unhealthy mold growth. If you have noticed water stains or actual water coming from the ceiling, you might have a leak. Immediately repairing leaks is essential to keeping your roof in the best condition, but how do you know where the leak is coming from? The following are some common problem areas you can check to find your residential roof leak.

Shingles and Other Materials

The actual shingles or other roofing materials on your roof could have damage that is allowing moisture into your home. Damaged shingles will be buckled, corroded, cracked, or missing all together. You could also look for granules on the ground surrounding your home or nails that are missing or backing out. If you have trees that hang over the roof, be sure to check those areas, as a swaying branch could easily wear out your roofing.


The point of flashing is to guide water in another direction when it wants to seep down into a seam on the roof. Flashing is located around chimneys, vents, and other areas where there’s an intersection or an angle in the roof. When flashing is not properly installed or sealed, water will begin to flow underneath and damage your home. Look for loose flashing, ripped pieces, or missing areas.

Skylights and Chimneys

The more extra features you have on your roof, the more chances water has to get in. Skylights and chimneys can be both functional and aesthetically appealing, but without proper installation, it’s easy for water to penetrate the roofing materials surrounding them. You should have a professional look at the seams and the installation to make sure it is all sealed correctly.

Hiring the Professionals

If you’re worried about a leaky residential roof, it’s important you contact the professionals for an inspection. Contact Andrews Roofing today by calling 757-296-0553 or sending us an email to learn more.

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The Truth About Leaks

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Our goal is to secure your first line of defense when it comes to the elements. Water, in whatever form, (rain, snow, sleet, or hail), has a way of penetrating any weaknesses in a roofing system. It is our goal to not only install roofs that will stand up to the wear and tear that the weather brings year after year, but to also assist when water intrusions occur.

While many roofs leaks are simple to repair, determining the source of the leak is often the more difficult task. When customers identify a drip in their ceiling, they often assume that the leak is originating above the leakage point, however, a leak can be traveling down a rafter or can even be the accumulation of condensation. For example, it is common for plumbing and AC leaks to be misdiagnosed as roof leaks.  They can be tricky.

Roof leaks can be caused by any number of things. Once you familiarize yourself with the potential causes of leaks, you may be able to determine the source through process of elimination. If not, you can always contact our office for assistance. Here are a few of the main sources of roof leaks:

Missing, cracked or loose shingles, tiles or seams
Damaged or deteriorated flashing, seals and caulking
Improper attic ventilation, which can cause moisture through a buildup of condensation
Improper installation of valleys, flashing, shingles, collars, etc.
Ice Dams, which prevent proper run off and force water to back up beneath shingles
Ponding water
Exposed nail heads
Skylight flashings
Wind driven rain
Built up debris, which can trap moisture and accelerate deterioration

Robert Andrews II

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