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Tag: roof moss

DIY Roof Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, protecting it from the elements day in and day out.

Regular maintenance can extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs down the road. For serious roof repairs, a professional roofing contractor should be called in, as the work requires expertise and can be dangerous for a weekend DIYer. However, there are some essential roof maintenance tips that homeowners can do safely on their own to prevent damage and decay.

Make Inspections a Habit
Create a regular monthly or seasonal habit of visually inspecting your roof. You can time it with Easter, July 4th, Halloween and Christmas to make it easy to remember. Look for signs of damage such as missing or damaged shingles, cracked caulking, or rust spots on metal roofs. While we do not recommend tackling those repairs yourself, the earlier you identify them and get a professional involved, the less damage (and cost) you will incur.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts
Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water damage and roof leaks. Clear them of debris like leaves and branches to ensure proper drainage. This is especially important as fall winds down and again in the spring before summer storms begin. If you feel comfortable, you can use a ladder and gloves to remove the buildup manually, but always have someone nearby to steady the ladder and assist as needed. You may also want to invest in gutter guards for easier maintenance.

Trim Overhanging Branches
Overhanging branches from nearby trees on your property can scratch and damage your roof during windy conditions. Trim back any branches that come into contact with your roof to prevent this from happening. It will also reduce the risk of fallen branches causing severe damage during storms. If the branches or trees are very large, you don’t have the required tools or simply don’t feel comfortable tackling this yourself, call in a professional tree service, who can take care of it quickly and safely.

Check for Signs of Water Damage
Water stains on your ceiling or walls are clear indicators of a roof leak. If you notice any signs of water damage inside your home, inspect your roof immediately to identify the source of the leak. This can be done safely by inspecting your roof from your attic. Look for damp spots and moisture on the underside of the roof deck and even eroded insulation. Addressing leaks promptly can prevent mold growth and structural damage.

Repair Flashing
Flashing is the thin metal strips installed around roof penetrations such as chimneys, vents, and skylights to prevent water infiltration. Inspect the flashing for signs of damage or deterioration and repair or replace it as needed. Properly sealed flashing is essential for maintaining a watertight roof, and flashing damage is often the cause of a leak, rather than the roofing materials.

Andrews Roofing Can Help
Regular roof maintenance is essential for preserving the integrity of your home and avoiding costly repairs. By following these DIY roof maintenance tips, you can prolong the lifespan of your roof and ensure it continues to protect your home for years to come. Remember, safety should always be your top priority when working on your roof, so always take the necessary precautions and if a task ever feels like more than you can handle, contact Andrews Roofing. We handle all sizes of roof repairs as well as replacements. Our estimators can come out to your house and discuss the best approach to prolonging the life of your home’s roof.

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Why and How You Should Keep Your Roof Clean

When it comes to keeping a sparkling clean home, you probably focus on keeping the floors mopped, the surfaces dusted and countertops disinfected. But there’s one giant area of your home that probably isn’t getting enough cleaning attention: your roof. As a crucial part of your home’s structure and one of its primary protectors from the elements, it’s really important to keep your roof well maintained so that it can perform to your expectations.

Over time, your roof can accumulate dirt, debris, moss, and algae, which not only affect its appearance but also its longevity. Think about your carpet – if you never vacuumed it, never cleaned spots off of it or gave it a shampoo every once in a while, it would deteriorate and be unusable (not to mention unsightly) long before its lifespan should be over. The same is true of your roof.

Here are just a few important reasons why you should keep your roof clean and tidy:

  • Reduces Repairs and Prolongs Roof Lifespan: A clean roof is a healthier roof. The accumulation of debris, moss, and algae can damage your shingles by lifting them up or causing them to deteriorate, leading to leaks and water damage. Regular cleaning can extend the lifespan of your roof, potentially saving you thousands in replacement costs.
  • Enhances Curb Appeal: A clean roof significantly improves your home’s curb appeal. Whether you plan to sell your house or simply want to enjoy a well-maintained home, a clean roof can make a big difference. We’ve all seen the one roof in the neighborhood that’s stained, missing a few shingles or with trees growing out of the gutters. Don’t be that house!
  • Increases Energy Efficiency: Algae and moss on your roof can trap moisture, making it harder for your home to regulate temperature. A clean roof can improve energy efficiency, reducing your heating and cooling costs.
  • Protects Your Whole Home’s Health: Algae and moss growth can create an environment for harmful organisms like mold and mildew. These can infiltrate your home, potentially affecting your indoor air quality and health.

So, by now you’re convinced that your roof could use a good cleaning, but what’s the best way to go about that? It can be dangerous to try and get up on the roof yourself for this chore, so here are some safe suggestions.

  • Professional Roof Cleaning: Hiring a professional roof cleaning service is often the most efficient and safest way to clean your roof. These experts have the knowledge, equipment, and experience to remove dirt, debris, algae, and moss without damaging your roofing materials. Before hiring a professional, make sure they come with a stellar reputation, and are licensed and insured.
  • Ask About Soft Washing: Soft washing is a popular method that uses low-pressure water combined with specialized cleaning solutions to remove stains and growth from your roof. This method is gentle on your roof while effectively eliminating algae and moss. There are professional companies who specialize in this service, which is less intense than pressure washing, therefore safer for roofing materials.
  • Schedule Regular Maintenance: Preventive maintenance is key to a clean and healthy roof. Consider scheduling annual or biannual inspections to identify and address any issues before they become major problems. Regular maintenance can also include gutter cleaning, which helps prevent debris buildup.
  • Use Preventative Measures: To prevent algae and moss growth in the first place, talk to your roofing contractor about having zinc or copper strips installed along the ridge of your roof. Rainwater running over these metals inhibits the growth of these organisms.

Maintaining a clean roof is crucial for the longevity, appearance, and health of your home, so make it a regular part of your annual cleaning and maintenance routine. By doing so, you’ll not only protect your investment but also ensure a safe and comfortable living environment for you and your family.

If you have concerns about the cleanliness or condition of your roof, contact Andrews Roofing today. We’ve been in the roofing business in Hampton Roads for over 25 years, and we have the knowledge and know-how for the very specific types of issues homeowners in southeast Virginia experience.

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Roof Maintenance Tips for Stand-Alone Structures

When you think about roof maintenance, your mind probably goes right to the largest roof you have to deal with – the one over your home.

But if you have any exterior stand-alone structures on your property, their roofs need to be inspected and maintained just like your home’s. This may include garages, sheds, pool houses, barns or workshops. It’s particularly important to keep an eye on these structures if they store expensive equipment or other important items to avoid any type of damage.

The roof on an outbuilding can experience additional challenges that your home’s roof may not have, and there are additional ways to inspect and maintain these structures. Here are a few of our tips for maintaining and extending the life of your stand-alone structure’s roof.

Regular Visual Inspections

Like your home’s roof, you should inspect the roofs of these structures on a regular basis and especially after storm events. Depending on the size of these structures, it may be a little easier to visually inspect their condition from the ground. Look for the same telltale signs that you would on your home’s roof: missing shingles, warped or algae covered shingles, loose or missing flashing, clogged or damaged gutters and of course – holes or other damage. Check the eaves for nests of any kind – birds, bees, wasps, squirrels or any other type of animal nest can cause serious damage.

Safely Clean Them from the Ground

Again, the roof line of these structures may be a bit lower which may make it possible to safely clean them off yourself. A buildup of leaves, moss, or a few sticks and branches may seem benign, but they can cause damage if left alone for too long. Moss and algae – which are common in the Hampton Roads region – can collect on areas of the roof that do not get much direct sunlight. If they aren’t dealt with, they can weaken your roof over time.

If the roof is low enough and you have a strong enough hose, the first cleaning approach may be to simply spray it down to remove debris and build up. If that doesn’t do the trick, you can invest in a soft bristled roof rake which can be used from the ground to rake off debris and even some mildew and algae. Make sure not to scrub too hard to avoid damaging any roofing materials.

Remove Potential Hazards

Make sure to keep any nearby trees or bushes trimmed back. Limbs and branches that lean or hang over your outbuilding could cause extensive damage over time from friction or in an instant during one of our regular southeastern Virginia pop-up storms. If the vegetation around the building is small and light enough, you can take care of it yourself, but if there are any substantial trees or branches that should be removed, always call a professional.

Check Inside for Pests

It’s important to check the interior of these structures regularly. Some roofing issues can’t be seen from the outside. So even if your barn or shed is full to the rafters, make it a point to inspect the interior at least twice a year and after major storm events. The most critical interior areas of these structures may be the corners where animals are most likely to have built nests or created pathways to access the inside. Birds, insects and rats or squirrels can wreak havoc on a roof, chewing through materials or causing damage to rafters and sheathing. If you find anything, get in touch with a professional pest control company or animal control.

Whatever type of outbuilding you may have on your property, it’s likely that it houses something important enough for you to protect. Make sure the roofing on these structures is doing its job as best as possible with regular inspections and maintenance. If you see any signs of damage and believe your structure needs roofing repair or replacement, contact Andrews Roofing today. We are experienced in the types of environmental issues that structures in the Tidewater Region experience and know the best types of materials and methods to prevent further damage.

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How To Deal With Water Stains on Your Roof

When the outside becomes treacherous, a solid roof is your first line of defense against the elements. You can imagine how disheartening it is when the protective covering of your home starts to change in appearance—a clear indicator that your roof is feeling the impact of inclement weather over time. Water is among the most common causes of aging in a roof, leaving unsightly moisture stains that threaten to compromise the security of your house if left untreated. Consider the color of water stains and extent of damage when coming up with a solution for your roof.

Black or Green Roof Stains

Black or green water stains on your roof indicate growing organisms, such as algae or moss. The presence of constant moisture and sunlight makes for a delicious and cozy harvesting area for such microscopic tenants. They can lock in unwanted dampness or invite other, larger creatures to wreak havoc on the top of your house. Power-spraying or scrubbing the problem on your own is possible, but likely to cause further, irreparable damage.

White or Yellow Roof Stains

White or yellow discoloration on your roof suggests hard-water buildup from an air conditioner or evaporative cooler. This type of staining often occurs on lower areas roof beneath cooling units and sticks out like a sore thumb. Similar to algae-type staining, attempting to scrub or power-wash will probably make things worse. Rather, you can try fading the damage with a vinegar solution, which works to gradually dull mild stains without risk to the plants or animals around your home. Be careful of any harsher home remedies, as they can become dangerous if mishandled.

When in doubt, professional roofing companies are better equipped to eradicate roofing stains with special chemicals, sealers or new repellent shingles when necessary. Expert solutions work quicker and last longer, saving you the hazardous trip up the ladder. Call Andrew’s Roofing at 757-296-2897 or use our contact page for more information.

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