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Category: Flat Roof

Signs Your Metal Roof Might Need Attention

Metal roofs are well known for being incredibly durable and long-lasting, often boasting lifespans of 50 or more years.

However, in regions such as Hampton Roads where severe weather and salt air are plentiful, metal roofs can still experience issues over time. While having a metal roof installed should give you some long-term peace of mind, there are still things you should keep an eye out for that may indicate it’s time for a repair or replacement. Fortunately, if you’ve had your metal roof installed by professionals to the manufacturer’s specifications, you should have a robust warranty in place that may cover the material and even the labor cost.

Here are some common problems that can occur with metal roofs and warning signs that indicate potential repair or replacement:


Of course, like all roofs, an obvious leak is a sure sign that your roof needs attention. Look for water stains on the ceiling or walls, damp insulation in your attic and dripping water. On a metal roof, leaks are most likely to come from damaged or missing flashing, loose seams, or holes caused by corrosion or impacts.


Standard metal roofs can corrode over time, especially in areas like southeast Virginia with high humidity and exposure to salt air. That’s why proper metal roof material should be used near salt water. However, if the proper materials were not used and corrosion does occur, the signs will include rust spots, pitting, or flaking paint. In many cases, issues such as these are covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, so make sure to keep your paperwork and information on your roof in a safe place that you can easily access.

Loose Fasteners

Fasteners holding the metal panels in place can become loose over time due to thermal expansion and contraction or inadequate installation. Loose fasteners may cause panels to lift or shift, leading to leaks or structural issues. Fortunately, this is a relatively easy fix by a roofing professional that may also be covered under a warranty. While it’s a simple fix, it is also a very necessary one that should be taken care of as soon as the issue is identified.

Ponding Water

Improper installation or poor roof slope can result in water pooling on the roof surface, which can accelerate corrosion and lead to leaks. Ponding water may also indicate inadequate drainage systems. If installed by an experienced roofing contractor, issues like this should be avoided, but settling in the foundation of a home or damage to gutters or drainage systems may also have occurred since the roof installation, so call in a professional to inspect the issue and provide a long-term solution.

Dents and Damage

Metal roofs can sustain dents from hail, falling branches, or other impacts caused by severe weather. While small dents may not immediately affect the roof’s performance, larger dents or widespread damage may require repair or replacement before corrosion sets in. In some cases, an insurance claim may be necessary to cover the costs of these types of damages.

Andrews Roofing Can Help

If you notice any of these warning signs or suspect that your metal roof may have issues, it’s essential to have it inspected by a qualified roofing professional. Early detection and prompt repairs can help prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your roof. Andrews Roofing is experienced and highly qualified to inspect, repair and replace metal roofing systems. Contact us today for more information.


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What to Know About Owning a Home with a Low Slope Roof

Owning or maintaining a house with a low slope roof comes with its own set of considerations and challenges.

While homes with a low slope roof are not as common as traditional A-frame or gabled roofs, they are still an important percentage of the home styles one finds in Southeast Virginia, especially near the beach. Because of their low slope, these roofs must be installed and maintained differently than higher pitched roofs. Whether you’ve owned a house with a low slope roof for years or are considering purchasing or building one, here are some critical things you need to know to keep your home’s health in tip top shape.

Drainage: Proper drainage is critical for low slope roofs to prevent water pooling, which can lead to leaks and structural damage. Regularly clean gutters and ensure downspouts are clear to allow water to flow freely off and away from the roof.

Material Selection: Choose roofing materials specifically designed for low slope roofs, such as built-up roofing (BUR), modified bitumen, or single-ply membranes like TPO or EPDM. These materials are more suitable for low slope applications and provide better protection against water infiltration. A good roofing contractor can point you in the right direction and let you know which materials make the most sense for the Tidewater, Virginia climate and conditions.

Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspections are essential to catch any issues early on. Because of the nature of low slope roofs, it may be more difficult to assess the situation from the ground. Having a local roofing company inspect your roof on a regular basis or when you believe an issue may be occurring is critical to ensuring its longevity and preventing further damage.

Regular Cleaning: Keep the roof clean from debris, such as leaves, branches, and dirt, which can accumulate and prevent proper drainage. Regular cleaning can help prevent clogs and extend the lifespan of your roof.

Ventilation: Proper ventilation is important for any roof to prevent moisture buildup, but it’s especially crucial for low slope roofs where water may not drain as quickly. Ensure you have adequate ventilation in the attic space to prevent condensation and mold growth.

Ice and Snow Removal: Low slope roofs are more prone to ice dam formation, especially in colder climates. Ice dams can cause water to freeze and back up under the roofing material, leading to leaks and damage. Use roof rakes or hire professionals to safely remove snow and ice buildup during winter.

Professional Assistance: Consider hiring a professional roofing contractor experienced with low slope roofs for inspections, repairs, and installations. They can provide expert advice, manufacturer recommended and code-compliant installation to ensure the work is done correctly, which will ultimately prolong the life of your roof and meet your warranty’s standards.

Andrews Roofing Can Help

At Andrews Roofing, we have decades of experience in a wide variety of roofing styles including low slope and flat roofs. Whether commercial or residential, we can provide installation, maintenance, and replacement for your low slope roof. Contact us today to schedule your roofing estimate.

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Shopping for a new house? Don’t forget to look up!

When potential home buyers are house shopping, they tend to focus on a home’s interior features, its location, neighborhood, and general curb appeal.

But one thing you should never overlook in a listing is a home’s roof. As an essential structural component of any home, a roof is one of the largest investments owners can make. In today’s cut-throat, competitive housing market, buyers are often willing to waive home inspections to have their offer considered over others. But this is never a good idea – buying a home without knowing about the condition of its roof is a risk that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

So, what should you look for as you leaf through those listings? Here are just a few considerations for prospective homebuyers when evaluating a property’s roof.

  1. Age: The age of a roof can tell you a lot and is perhaps the most important fact to know about it in advance. An older roof may be nearing the end of its lifespan and could require costly repairs or replacement soon. Look for signs of wear and tear such as missing or damaged shingles, sagging areas, or water stains on the ceiling. If the listing doesn’t say the roof’s age, have your real estate agent inquire about it.
  2. Material: Different roofing materials have varying lifespans, maintenance requirements, and durability. Most commonly in the Hampton Roads region you’ll see architectural asphalt shingles. But there are also metal roofs, clay tile, wood shake, and even synthetic recycled materials. Consider our local climate and what makes the most sense for your lifestyle and the home’s location when assessing roofing materials and whether you’re ready to take on their care.
  3. Leaks and Water Damage: Water damage can lead to extensive structural issues and mold growth. During a home inspection, carefully examine the interior ceilings, walls, and attic for any signs of water stains, mold, or mildew. Additionally, look for evidence of leaks around skylights, chimneys, vents, and flashings. All of these things can point to a roof that at best needs repairs and at worst needs to be completely replaced.
  4. Gutters and Drainage: Proper slope and drainage is essential for preventing water from pooling on a roof and causing damage – this is especially important in low slope or flat roofs. Likewise, gutters keep water from running off the roof and toward the foundation of a house, causing water damage that can affect a home’s overall structure. Inspect the gutters and downspouts for debris buildup, corrosion, or damage. Ensure that they are securely attached and effectively channel water away from the foundation of the house.
  5. Ventilation: Adequate attic ventilation helps regulate temperature and moisture levels, prolonging the lifespan of the roof and preventing issues like ice dams and mold growth. Check for vents along the eaves, ridge, and soffits, and ensure they are clear of obstructions. Improper ventilation can not only reduce the lifespan of a roof, but also dramatically increase your utility bills.
  6. Previous Repairs or Replacements: Inquire about any past roof repairs or replacements and obtain documentation if available. A well-maintained roof with a history of regular inspections and maintenance is sure to be in better condition than one that hasn’t. A roof that was recently replaced likely has material or workmanship warranties. Having the information about that is critical in case you need to make a future claim.
  7. Professional Inspection: While an initial visual assessment of the roof is something you can do yourself while touring a home, hiring a qualified roofing contractor or home inspector for a thorough evaluation is highly recommended. They can identify hidden issues, assess the overall condition of the roof, and provide insights into potential maintenance or repair costs. Don’t skip this step!

Andrews Roofing Can Help
If you’re in the process of purchasing a new home in the Tidewater area and you’d like a professional roof inspection done by a licensed roofing contractor, contact Andrews Roofing. We can give you the peace of mind that your investment is a solid one and keep you from financial heartache down the road.

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Under the Same Roof: How to Repair and Replace Shared Roofing Structures

If you live in a townhouse, condo or rowhouse situation in which you share a roof with your neighbors, you likely have legitimate concerns about ever having to repair or replace it.

A shared roof can pose unique challenges for homeowners living beneath them, especially when there are no condo or homeowner associations to manage the decision making. If your home has a shared roof, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Get to Know Your Neighbors
For many reasons, it’s a good idea to get to know your neighbors. But it’s particularly important if you share walls, fences, roofs, yards, etc. The better you know your neighbors, the more likely you are to have an amicable discussion about repairs and replacements when the time comes. You’ll also be more aware of their specific situation and whether they are ready and willing to invest money in their home.

It’s also a good idea to have frank conversations with your neighbors about where they stand on shared repairs so no one is taken by surprise when something comes up. These conversations are easier to have when there isn’t an emergency or dire need so people don’t feel pressured to make a decision.

Get Ahead of the Problem
An ounce of maintenance is worth a pound of repair. Talk to your neighbors about having your roof professionally inspected every few years, and work together to ensure the roof is maintained from the outside, keeping gutters clear and debris removed. Each of you should also be checking your attic spaces to check for moisture, leaks or ventilation issues, and keeping each other informed of what you find.

This is more important than you’d think, but we’ve personally seen neighbors suing neighbors because one person’s roof was causing a leak on the other homeowner’s side due to disrepair. Nipping these issues in the bud early can prevent a lot of headache and cost down the line.

Work Together
If and when the time comes for a roofing replacement, it is possible to work together with your neighbors to come to a solution. We have replaced roofs for multiple owners under the same roof who worked together to find the right contractor, material, color and installation schedule that worked for all of them. Don’t assume this is an impossibility. Give your neighbors the benefit of the doubt that they also want to make sure their home is well maintained and protected.

The first and most important thing to do is to discuss your budget and what each homeowner is reasonably willing and able to spend on the project. The next step is to decide who will be in charge of certain responsibilities. For instance, will one person be in charge of collecting all the estimates, or should each neighbor schedule and report back on a single estimate? Will one person be responsible for cutting the check and getting payment from everyone else, or will the contractor accept equal payments from each person directly? Does someone need to finance their portion? If so, then they may need to work directly with the contractor to set up a payment plan, while everyone else can pay their share in cash.

Finally, it’s critical to be flexible. Not everyone is going to agree on every single thing, whether it’s budget, contractor, material or color. Talk about your non-negotiables and try to find some common ground to reach a solution that meets everyone’s top needs. But don’t go into the situation assuming you will get every single thing you want on your checklist.

Last Resort: Go It Alone
It is possible in some cases to have a single portion of a shared roof repaired or replaced if you cannot get your neighbors on board for a full reroofing. It is by no means ideal, and it’s important to note that it can impact warranties and workmanship guarantees. But, if your roof is damaged or at the end of its life, you’re better off doing something now and avoiding further damage than waiting for all your neighbors to get on the same page.

If you have a shared roof situation and need an estimate, advice or inspection, give Andrews Roofing a call. We’ve worked with families in the Hampton Roads region for decades and we know this area’s specific types of housing scenarios so we can give you the best solution to your roofing problem. Contact us today.

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Metal or Shingle Roof: What’s Right for Your Home?

Metal roofs have become increasingly popular in residential structures in recent years, whereas asphalt shingles have been the de facto material of choice for decades. There are plenty of good reasons to consider metal roofing, but is it right for your own home?

Here are a few things to consider before replacing your roof with metal.

Durability and Lifespan

Metal roofs have a lifespan of 50 or more years – twice the length of a traditional asphalt roof. In addition to lasting much longer, they are also more durable. If installed properly by a licensed roofing contractor, some metal roofs can sustain up to 140 mile per hour winds. This is a serious benefit in a hurricane and storm-prone area like Hampton Roads. For homes in areas prone to wildfires, metal roof systems are less likely to ignite or catch fire from a spark or rouge flame.


When replacing your roofing system, there are some things to consider about the environmental friendliness of your choices. One is the material itself. In the case of metal roofs, the material is usually 25-95% recycled content, and metal roofs are themselves 100% recyclable. There’s also the energy efficiency of your roof. Metal roofs reflect UV rays, which can reduce the temperature of the surface and can result in a 10-25% reduction in cooling costs for your home, saving energy and fossil fuels.


While there are great benefits to metal roofs, and while their popularity has increased, they are still significantly more expensive than traditional asphalt shingles. Depending on the exact type of metal materials used, it may cost two to three times more than an architectural shingle replacement. Metal roofs can save you money over time for the reasons mentioned above, but you should consider how long you plan to live in your home and whether you will be there long enough to get a return on your investment.


While modern building methods do offer metal roofs a bit more insulation from sound than in the old days, they are still louder than a traditional roof. Some people love the sound of rain on a metal roof, while others may find it bothersome over time. There is nothing definitively good or bad about this aspect of metal roofs, but it is something to keep in mind when making the decision.


For areas where snow is common or in commercial situations, metal roofs will typically need snow guards. These little metal semi-circles or horizontal strips of metal keep snow from falling off in large clumps onto someone or something below. Even if you’re not in a snow prone area, you will need snow guards on steeply pitched roofs such as front porches and porticos. A qualified roofing contractor who is experienced with this material and installation will know the best way and the best places to install snow guards on your metal roof.


Manufacturers of metal roof systems have made major advances in the style and color range of metal roofing. In some cases, metal roofs can even look like traditional shingles from a distance. For the most part, though, metal roofs have a distinctive look and style which may or may not compliment your home. Some manufacturers have tools on their websites where you can visualize what different roof materials and colors would look like on a home similar to yours. Or you may just want to take some time to search the internet for photos of homes with different types of metal roofs.

An experienced roofing contractor can also assist you in visualizing and choosing the appropriate material. At Andrews Roofing, we’ve completed many homes with metal roofing, and one of the approaches that has become popular with our clients is to mix roofing materials. The primary roof of the home may be architectural asphalt shingles, with small overhangs, porches or dormers using a complimentary metal material. This look works great on Craftsman style homes and more modern designs. It also gives the home the unique and high-end look of metal without as much of a cost increase.

If you are considering replacing your roof with a new metal roof, or if you just have questions about what roofing material is right for your reroofing project, contact Andrews Roofing. We’ve worked with clients in the Tidewater region for decades, and know the best materials, approach and application for all types of roofing systems.

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Roofing 101: Steep Slope vs. Low Slope

All roofs can be divided into two categories: steep and low slope. Low slope roofs have become increasingly popular on residential structures thanks to their clean, modern design and their ability to accommodate patios, gardens and more.

It’s important to understand the difference between the two when determining what type of structure to install, replace or repair or when choosing appropriate roofing materials.

Steep Slope
Steep slope roofs are technically any roof with a slope of 25% or more. They consist of five basic components:

  1. Roof covering – this could be shingles, tile, slate, cedar shake, or metal, as well as the underlayment that sits beneath them to protect the sheathing from weather.
  2. Sheathing – this is the board or sheet materials that are directly attached to the roof rafters that make up the roofline. This material must be covered by an underlayment material and roofing material (above) in order to remain structurally sound.
  3. Roof structure refers to the rafters and trusses that are structurally supporting the roof sheathing. This is the framing of the roofline which is a part of the skeleton of the house.
  4. Flashing is usually sheet metal that is installed at any point on a roof where there are joints, valleys, vents or chimneys. They function to prevent water seepage at these vulnerable spots.
  5. Drainage is a critical component of the overall roof design. It ensures that water is shed from the roof in a way that doesn’t compromise the structure at any point. Drainage has to be considered when designing the layout, shape and slope of any roof structure.

Low Slope
For all intents and purposes, a “low slope” roof is usually flat, but technically it refers to any roof that is between 0% and 24% sloped. They also consist of the same five basic elements, but the details differ somewhat.

  1. Roof covering for low slope roofs often consist of a single-ply membrane such as TPO, E.P.D.M., Modified Bitumen, or PVC. It is also common to see what are called “built up systems” which are composed of multiple layers of sheet materials and asphalt, often covered with a gravel coating. Other material options include spray foam or metal. All materials require an underlayment between them and the roof sheathing.
  2. Sheathing for low slope roofs can differ quite a bit from steep slopes. There are some structures with basic wood boards like a residential structure, but you may also see metal, concrete, gypsum, tectum and other fibrous materials.
  3. Roof structures of a low slope roof are conceptually the same – rafters, trusses and joists that support the sheathing, but the materials here may differ as well and could be steel, wood, or concrete.
  4. Flashing does not differ much from a steep slope installation and serves the same purpose to prevent water seepage at vulnerable spots.
  5. Drainage for a low slope roof is critical since the basic design of it does not shed water the way a steep slope roof does. For low slope roofs with any sort of incline, gutters, internal drains and downspouts can be effective. For truly flat roofs, special design considerations need to be made, and options like stepped slope insulation may be a safer bet.

Either roof can have its challenges. Obviously steeper slopes are more difficult to access and for shingled steep roofs, they will have a harder time fighting gravity over time. Mansard shingled roofs, for example, sometimes have nails tear through the shingles as they age. On the other hand lower slopes that are “walkable” and shingled, but still have a slope that falls within the shingle manufacturer’s specifications for shingle installation, can present greater challenges with wind-driven rain getting under the shingles, debris accumulation, needing additional barriers for protection such as ice & water shield, etc.

Any solid roofing solution – whether it’s for a home or commercial building – should balance all five of these components. At Andrews Roofing, we address each of these components equally when consulting with clients and assessing roofing needs. While the roof covering may have the most visual impact, we understand that everything below that is just as critical. If you have questions about what type of roof is ideal for your structure, or if you need a steep or low slope roof repaired or replaced, contact Andrews Roofing. We have decades of experience in both commercial roofing and residential roofing construction in Hampton Roads and we’d be happy to come out and give you an estimate and professional recommendation.

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