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Tag: roof service

How to Know When Your Roof Needs a Checkup

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care, but that doesn’t just apply to your physical health. The same could be said for anything you maintain, including your house and its major systems such as your roof. While there’s no getting around the fact that a roof will eventually need to be replaced, there are many things that can happen over the course of a roof’s lifespan that should be serviced, repaired and maintained. This is especially true in areas prone to severe weather such as the Hampton Roads region.

But how do you know when you should call in a professional roofing contractor? Here are a few things to keep an eye out for to help extend the lifespan of your roof.

Curling, cracking or buckling shingles are a tell-tale sign that your roof needs some attention. You may also notice asphalt granules in your gutters, which have deteriorated from damaged shingles. This doesn’t mean you need an entirely new roofing system! While this type of roof symptom can sometimes be a sign that a roof has reached the end of its serviceable life, it can also be an isolated incident that simply needs to be repaired or patched.

While it may not necessitate a total replacement, shingles that are damaged or worn should be a high priority on your home to-do list. Just a few curling shingles can allow water to penetrate your roof causing leaks, mildew and other interior damage.

Speaking of interior damage, dark spots on your ceiling or walls also signal that it’s time to have a roofing professional come out and inspect. Even if you don’t see a hole or missing or damaged shingles from the outside, the leak may still be the result of a failure in your roofing system such as loose or missing flashing, backed up gutters or damage that simply isn’t visible from the ground.

Dark spots indicate that moisture has penetrated your roof, the sheathing, decking, and potentially attic flooring. These are serious signs that should be attended to as soon as possible by a professional to ensure additional damage does not occur and that harmful mold and mildew do not start to grow.

Moisture in your attic may also be a sign of problems with your roof as well as your insulation. If you find that the insulation, wood, flooring, ductwork or other items in your attic seem damp, it may be caused by a lack of proper ventilation and/or unsatisfactory insulation. But these issues, over time, can also affect the health of your roof by causing water damage to decking from the underside. An ideal attic temperature is close to that of the temperature outside. This prevents condensation, which is often the cause of interior moisture damage. A licensed professional contractor will need to address these issues if you find them.

Of course, sometimes all of these things indicate that a roof has simply reached the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced. Most modern asphalt shingle roofs have a lifespan of 20-30 years. In the cities of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake and across the Tidewater region, many homes and large neighborhoods were constructed in the 1990’s, making them the age now to need total replacement.

A qualified roofing company can provide you with a roofing checkup to help you determine whether a repair or total roof replacement makes the most sense for your home and budget. At Andrews Roofing, we provide professional evaluations, customized quotes and affordable financing options as well. Whether you think your roof needs an ounce of prevention or a pound of care, we can help. Contact Andrews Roofing today.

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Does Your Home Need a Roof Evaluation or a Roof Inspection?

Whether you’re selling a house, buying a house or just want to know if it’s time to repair or replace the roof on your current home, you may be researching roof evaluations and inspections. So, what is the difference between the two, and which one makes the most sense for you? While we can’t speak to the terminology for every roofing company out there, here is how we at Andrews Roofing define and approach both services to meet your needs.

Roof Evaluations

A roof evaluation is the less complex and detailed of the two services. This service may be better for homeowners or buyers who simply want to know the life expectancy of a roof and what type of service may be needed down the road, but do not have a specific issue or damage to be addressed.

When we complete a roof evaluation, we schedule a time with you to come out to the house and walk the roof while taking photos from several different angles. Within one to two days, we will email you a letter with our company letterhead for your records. This report can be helpful alongside a home inspection, particularly if any notes were made about the condition of the roof in the inspection. We can address these issues with more expertise and advice on how to move forward.

It’s also not a bad idea to have a roof evaluation done prior to putting your home on the market. Having the roof evaluation letter is an excellent thing to provide potential buyers to put their minds at ease about the condition of the house. It also lets you know if there are potential issues you should address prior to listing your home. This service is easily scheduled, does not take up much of your time and only costs $99.

Roof Inspection

A roof inspection is more detailed and involved than an evaluation. Sometimes an inspection is required by an insurance company or can become a requirement for various reasons before a sale can go through on a home. A roof inspection can also be scheduled by a buyer or seller of a home to have peace of mind before purchasing or listing a property.

For this service, one of our technicians will schedule a time to go out to the house where they will walk the roof, take several detailed photos and within one to two days of inspection, provide a report that shows deficiencies and issues in specific detail. They may place arrows and captions on the photos they took to point out areas of concern. The report also details the life expectancy of the roof in addition to providing specific details on the sheathing, deck, chimney, penetrations, potential issues, current issues and recommendations for any repairs that may be needed. Because this report is more detailed and time consuming, the cost is $350.

Make informed decisions

When buying or selling a home, or when considering whether or not to make major home repairs and updates, knowledge is power – whether you use it as leverage at a closing table, or to ensure the longevity of your home. Whatever your comfort level and budget is, Andrews Roofing can provide you with more knowledge and peace of mind before moving forward on any major investment.

Which is best for you?

If you’re still not sure which service is best for you, please feel free to contact Andrews Roofing and one of our service representatives will be happy to talk to you about your specific situation and help you determine the best service for your needs.

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