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Reroof Estimates & Inspections

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Tag: new roof

Step by Step: The Process of Replacing Your Roof

Replacing your home’s roof is a significant investment and can be a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time going through the process.

As a small, local roofing company, we understand the apprehensions homeowners in the Hampton Roads region might have, especially when it comes to budget, timeline and impact on your daily life. We’re here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on what to expect during your roof replacement journey, ensuring you feel informed and confident every step of the way.

Step One: Initial Consultation and Inspection

When you first contact us, we’ll schedule a convenient time for an initial consultation. This is a great opportunity for you to discuss your concerns, preferences, and budget. We’ll listen carefully to understand your needs and provide you with tailored advice.

Our team will conduct a detailed inspection of your current roof. This helps us identify any underlying issues that need to be addressed, such as leaks, damaged shingles, or structural problems. We use this information to create an accurate estimate and a comprehensive plan for the replacement.

Step Two: Detailed Estimate and Planning

Following the inspection, we’ll provide you with a detailed estimate that outlines the costs involved. Our estimates are transparent, with no hidden fees, ensuring you know exactly what to expect financially.

We’ll guide you through the process of selecting the right materials for your new roof. Whether you prefer asphalt shingles, metal roofing, or another material, we’ll explain the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision that stays within your budget.

Step Three: Scheduling and Preparation

We know a home improvement project of this size can have a significant impact on your daily life. As a small, local business we take the individual concerns of our clients seriously and do our best to provide personalized service at every step. We’ll work with you to schedule the roof replacement at a time that minimizes disruption to your family and schedule.

Before we begin, we’ll take steps to protect your property. This includes covering landscaping, setting up safety measures, ensuring that the work area is secure, and that you have easy access to your home.

Step Four: The Roof Replacement Process

On the first day of the replacement, we’ll start by removing the old roofing materials. This can be noisy and messy, but we take care to keep the work area as clean and orderly as possible.

If we discover any issues with the roof deck or underlying structure, we’ll bring them to your attention and address them promptly. Fixing these problems is crucial to ensure the longevity and performance of your new roof. While fixing underlying issues may require additional cost, it is well worth it in the end to have the job done right and up to manufacturer standards so your warranty is protected.

With the old materials removed and any necessary repairs made, we’ll proceed with installing your new roof. Our skilled team of roofing professionals has decades of combined experience in the industry as well as working with issues specific to homes in the Tidewater region. They work efficiently and with precision to ensure a high-quality installation.

Step Five: Post-Installation and Cleanup

We understand that a clean worksite is important to you. After the installation is complete, we’ll conduct a thorough cleanup, removing any debris and ensuring your property is left in excellent condition.

Before we consider the job done, we’ll perform a final inspection to ensure every detail meets our high standards. We’ll walk you through the completed work, answering any questions you may have.

Step Six: Aftercare and Maintenance

Your new roof will come with a warranty, and we’ll explain the coverage in detail and provide any necessary paperwork or documentation. Additionally, we’re always available for any future questions or maintenance needs. As a local company, we’re just a phone call or click away.

We’ll also provide you with maintenance tips to help you keep your new roof in top condition. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your roof and prevent costly repairs down the line.

Go Local with Andrews Roofing

Choosing a small, local roofing company like ours means you’ll receive personalized service, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality that larger companies often can’t match. We take pride in our work and in serving our community, and we’re dedicated to ensuring your roof replacement experience is smooth and stress-free. If you’re ready to invest in a new roof for your home, contact Andrews Roofing today.

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What to Expect During a Roof Replacement

You know your home needs a new roof, but you don’t know what your expectations should be around how that project may impact your daily life.

It’s a common and completely reasonable concern, but one that can be worked out and managed with a good roofing contractor. It’s inevitable that your daily routine will be disrupted a bit during the process, but knowing certain details in advance can help you prepare for this disruption so that your life can still move along smoothly and you can ensure your home is in tip-top shape.

While every project is different, there are a few things that you can expect to experience regardless of the size or type of roof being replaced.

Roof replacement necessarily involves a lot of hammering, drilling, and other loud noises. There’s simply no way around this. However, having a timeline worked out in advance with your contractor will allow you to plan around the noise. If you work from home, you may want to find an alternative place to set up shop for a few days. If you have small kids who are at home during the day, it’s a great time to plan some outings or play dates. Please understand that you’ll need to be a bit flexible as roofing work can only be done when the weather is appropriate and sometimes crews need to make up for lost time.

During the roof replacement process, debris such as old shingles, nails, and other roofing materials may fall onto the ground around the house. While the work is being done, it is important for the homeowner to ensure that their pets and children are kept away from the area until the work is complete. After work is done, your contractor should clean up the work zone as well as they can, but it’s a good idea to sweep the perimeter of your home to double check for any nails or shingle staples or other debris home before letting kids and pets loose. Using a magnetic pick-up tool is extremely helpful for small metal debris that is hard to spot such as shingle staples, and you can find them for under $20 at your local hardware store.

You can expect several workers to be on site during the entirety of the project. You may want to introduce yourself to these individuals or at least to the project manager or foreman at the start of the project so you feel comfortable asking them questions or answering theirs. Keep in mind you’ll need to keep driveways and pathways around the house clear for the crew to get trucks and materials in and out. Removing lawn furniture or other outdoor equipment and items from around your house will make their job easier and also help to make sure none of your property is damaged.

Even the best laid plans for a roof replacement can be undone by bad weather, material delays or crew shortages. Things happen that are outside of everyone’s control, so expect for a few bumps in the road along the way. Finding the right roofing contractor who communicates with you promptly and clearly is the key to getting through these little inevitable inconveniences without too much frustration.

If you’re ready for a new roof and are looking for a roofing contractor with a great reputation in the Hampton Roads region, give Andrews Roofing a call. We’ve worked with customers in the Tidewater area for decades and have a proven track record of great customer service and high-quality workmanship. Contact us today.

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How to Protect Your Roofing Investment

A new roof may be one of the largest investments you make in your home.

So, once you’ve made that upgrade, it’s important to protect it. Most people don’t spend much time thinking about their roof – until something goes wrong. But some forethought and a little regular maintenance can extend its life and the value you get out of it. Here are a few tips on how to extend the life of this important home investment.

Keep those gutters clean

One of the most critical things you can do to help your roof remain healthy and stable is to keep your gutters clean and clear of debris. When gutters are clogged, water can push up under the shingles, causing rot and damage to the sheathing below. Clogged gutters can also cause excess water to fall off the edge of the gutter and right toward your home’s foundation. Over time, this can cause foundation cracks, moisture damage, termites, basement flooding and more.

While it’s critical to keep your gutters clean, it’s also important to stay safe. If you plan to clean your own gutters, always do so with another person who can stabilize the ladder while you clean. Otherwise, find a locally owned and operated company who provides professional gutter cleaning services and get on their schedule for regular seasonal or semi-annual maintenance.

Do a regular visual inspection

A simple visual inspection once a month, or right after large storms, can help identify potential trouble spots. Things to look for include cracked or curled shingles, missing flashing, loose shingles or flashing, or mold or mildew build up on shingles. Inside your home you can do regular visual inspections in your attic or crawl space. Check for damp areas, excessive drafts, and of course – obvious holes or water damage.

If you see any of these issues, give your roofing contractor a call. There may be warranties on your roofing materials that could help solve the issue. If there has been true damage to your roof or interior, it may also be time to call your insurance agent.

Keep your roof clean

In addition to being unsightly, areas of mold, mildew and algae on your roof can actually lead to more serious damage. Mildew can cause shingles to warp over time, losing their stability and protective purpose. It can also be indicative of worse water damage to your roof’s sheathing. We do not recommend cleaning your roof yourself, as this can be a dangerous activity. Find a qualified, professional cleaning service who can do this for you on an as-needed basis.

Trim your trees

One of the best ways to prevent damage to your roof is to keep the trees and landscaping around your roof trimmed and maintained. Trees with overhanging branches should be cut back by a professional tree service as should any nearby dead or dying trees. After any major storms, check the trees on your property to make sure no branches have broken and gotten caught up on lower limbs – these can become damaging flying debris in the next storm.

Keep an eye on your attic

Your attic is the foundation of a healthy roof. It provides two critical elements for a long roof life: ventilation and insulation. Proper ventilation in your roof, along with appropriate insulation, eliminates moisture build up that can combine to cause rafters and sheathing to rot, shingles to buckle, and insulation to lose its effectiveness. A licensed contractor can help if you think either of these two things may be lacking in your attic.

Call a professional roofing company

If your self-inspections reveal any of the issues mentioned above, it’s important to call a local, licensed roofing company. Roof repairs are too serious and potentially dangerous to be DIY. Protect the rest of your home by maintaining a healthy roof alongside a trusted roofing company.

If you’ve noticed any issues with your roof, or would like to have your roof inspected for damage and deterioration, contact Andrews Roofing today. We’d be happy to come out to your home and help determine what your next best steps are – whether that’s a roof repair or replacement.

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Does a New Roof Increase the Value of Your Home?

A new roof is a major investment, and even if you’re getting ready to sell your home and move on to the next, it may still be worth considering.

That’s because a new roof can actually add quite a bit of market value to your home, increasing its likelihood of getting offers (or multiple offers in some real estate markets). The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) noted in their 2019 remodeling impact report that new roofs can provide a 109% return on investment. That same report states that 39% of realtors suggest that their sellers replace their roof before trying to sell their home, and 33% said that a new roof helped close a sale.

Even if a new roof does not give you a one-for-one return on investment, it can help with the marketing and quick sale of your home. New homeowners usually aren’t able to take on a major renovation right after spending money on the down payment and closing costs of their new home. For this reason, lots of new homebuyers are looking for a home that is “turn key” – in other words, one they can walk right into without having to do any work themselves.

When looking at two homes in the same price range, a home buyer is going to be more likely to make a generous offer on the one that has the most recent repairs and updates, because they know it will save them money in the long run. If they are looking at a house that clearly needs a new roof, buyers will mentally tack on thousands of dollars to the listing price.

Of course, if your roof is failing or has incurred damage, you will need to replace the roof before selling, regardless of the return on investment. In many states, it’s a legal requirement to disclose any damage or structural issues in a home to the buyer. Even if it’s not, if the buyer or mortgage lender requires a home inspection prior to closing, the issues will quickly be found and could dead-end a sale, wasting time and delaying your sale.

So how much should you invest in a new roof if you’re preparing your home to sell? This is a great conversation to have with your realtor, as they will know the market value of your home with and without a new roof, and guide you in how to choose materials that make the most sense for your budget. In most cases, installing a typical asphalt shingle roof is enough to make a buyer feel secure and good about the update. But some markets, neighborhoods or price ranges may require the homeowner to invest a bit more in architectural shingles, cedar shake, metal roofing, or a combination of materials for a higher-end look. Again, a realtor can help you make this decision based on comparable sales in your neighborhood and price range.

Even if you aren’t trying to sell your home, NARI’s research shows that 75% of homeowners report feeling “a major sense of accomplishment” after finishing a reroofing project and 49% say they have an increased sense of enjoyment when they’re at home. Your own happiness and comfort is definitely worth the investment.

If you’re preparing your home for the Hampton Roads real estate market and need a new roof, contact Andrews Roofing. We have decades of experience in the Tidewater region, and can help you choose the best materials and look for your budget, home design and style. We also offer a guarantee on our work and use materials with excellent transferable manufacturer warranties, to put your buyers’ minds even more at ease. Contact us today for a free estimate.


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The Importance of Roofing Certifications

Commercial roofing requires a specialized set of skills for long-lasting protection. Whether you’re looking for a contractor to install a new roof or provide prompt commercial repair services, find out why you should choose a contractor who is up to date with the latest certifications.

Quality Control

A certified contractor is an experienced contractor. Having certification proves that your prospective commercial roofing team has the skills and experience necessary to get the job done. From safety certifications to certified installers of particular roofing materials, each act as a quality control system to ensure you receive nothing but the best.

Variety of Services

Ask about the multiple certifications that a roofing contractor may have. Having a range of certifications typically means that they are qualified to perform a variety of tasks. From TPO repairs to emergency servicing of flat or traditional shingled roofs, certifications can indicate that a particular team is experienced in installing and repairing any roofing material you need.

Confident Warranty

Many roofing materials require a certified installation team in order to enjoy their generous warranty. Other contractors provide their own additional warranty as part of their commitment to excellence. Either way, a certified commercial roofing expert can offer you longer lasting, and more confident warranties to protect your commercial investment.

An uncertified contractor typically offers little to no warranty for their work, but they also may void any manufacturers’ warranties on the building materials. Be sure to ask about any relevant warranty before your roofing team begins their work.

Contact a Certified Commercial Service Today

For more information about a quality contractor in your area, contact Andrews Roofing by calling 757-296-0553 or sending an email today to learn more. Receive an estimate today and get started with your commercial roofing project quickly and professionally.

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The Best Time for a Commercial Roof Replacement

Timing is important in a lot of matters, including comedy, investing, and commercial roof replacement. If you wait too long to replace your roof you could make a number of unnecessary and costly repairs. Even worse, the whole roof could come crashing down on your business. Replacing a roof when it still has good life in it is probably a foolish thing to do. So how do you know when it’s the optimal time for a roof replacement? Although a roof replacement for your business shouldn’t interrupt your operations, there may be times of the year when it is more convenient. Otherwise, the main considerations are the shape of your roof.

Choose the Perfect Time

As with other major business expenditures, there is always the question of repair versus replacement. This is a difficult question, and it’s different for each situation, but the following advice can help.

  • Consult with a qualified roofing contractor. The company can give you the benefit of its experience with roofing matters.
  • Get an inspection and a free estimate. The cost may be less than you expected and favorable financing may be available.
  • Analyze what you have been spending on roof repairs. The annual cost may be higher than what you would pay to finance a new roof.
  • Consider the benefits of a new roofing system. You would have no worries in the roof department for many years.

After consulting with a reputable roofing contractor, and crunching the numbers, you will probably have a good idea where you are. It’s possible you can put off a new roof for a couple of years, which gives you time to save and plan.

Pick the Right Company

The right roofing contractor makes the decision easier. You will get good information from a source you can trust. For assistance with commercial roofing contact Andrews Roofing by calling 757-296-0553 or emailing us today!

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