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Tag: roof fungus

How Warm Weather Affects Flat Roofs

Your building relies on the structural integrity of your roof. When it comes to roof damage, most building owners worry about extreme storm systems or snowy winters. Few regard summer as a problem to their roofing, which is a mistake. Hot summer days can negatively affect your flat roof. Here is what you need to know about warm weather and the affects it has on your roof.

Thermal Cycle Problems

In the summer, the temperatures rotate between hot and cold throughout the day and night. Flat style roofs expand and contract in these conditions. This usually leads to water penetrating the roof. You may need breathable PVC material to withstand the condensation and the thermal cycles.

Blistering Issues

When water penetrates through the roof, this is a problem on its own. It only gets worse when you add the summer heat into the mix. When you heat the moisture under the sun all day, it can lift the felt from the roof. This will lead to bubbles or blisters in the roof. If you catch these blisters as soon as possible, then you can replace the damaged sections. However, as time goes on and more blisters develop, you would need to replace the entire roof.

Moisture Damage

When moisture builds up, mold and fungus might grow. When you add sunlight into the mix, the high temperatures can help increase the rate of mold growth. This fungus may damage flashing. If you have damaged flashing, this compromises your draining capacity.

Older roofs and those that endure high temperatures should have regular inspections. When you have a roofing issue, you never want to wait around on it. Most roofing problems get worse with time, whereas maintenance may be simple and quick. With a call to Andrews Roofing today, you can avoid turning those minor problems into major problems. Call 757-296-0553 or email us today!

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