Leaks & Service Repairs

757-399-3066 ext 3 (Leaks & Service Repairs)

Reroof Estimates & Inspections

757-399-3066 ext 1 (Reroof Estimates & Inspections)

Day: September 16, 2014

Preparing For Your Residential Shingle Roof Installation

Nice looking home

The day has finally arrived…the day of your new roof installation. You have selected your roofing material, chosen a color, and reviewed the scope of work to be performed. What can you do to prepare and what should you know about the roof installation process?
The process of installing a new roof creates a construction site at your home. There are several steps that should be taken to ensure that you, your family and your hope are prepared for the new installation.

Please keep in mind that everything used to perform the work on your roof needs to be as close to the house as possible, which requires access to the yard and driveway. All vehicles should be removed from the driveway and parked away from the structure. Also, anything around the perimeter of the property that would limit roof access should be removed.

All children and pets should be kept indoors in a safe place or off the job site.

Materials will be coming off the roof and may be present in the lawn prior to clean up. We will ensure that ALL debris will be removed when the roof is complete. In preparation, you may wish to cover all valuables in the attic and garage, as dust and debris could enter those spaces. Remember to cut off power to all roof attic fans.

Noise from nail guns, nails, hammers, etc. are used throughout the process. You should expect associated noise.

Satellite Dishes that are mounted on your roof may need to be moved to allow proper installation.

Your job will receive a final inspection from our field superintendent. He will ensure that any remaining debris or materials have been removed from the property and that the roof installation is complete.

Should you have any questions throughout the job process, feel free to contact our main office at 757-399-3066 for assistance.

Robert Andrews | President | Robert@andrewsroofing.com | 757-286-7400

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